Saturday, 22 March 2014

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Modal Verbs - Speaking Activity - Intermediate Level

Modal Mania 
Divide the class into groups of four. Each student should have five picture cards. The modals 
cards should be placed face down in a pile. 

Students take it in turns to pick up a modals card and try to match it with one of their picture 
cards. The student has to explain how the two cards match to the other players. Students 
can be as creative as they like in order to convince the other players. 

If the other players agree, the student can get rid of the picture and place the modals card at 
the bottom of the pile. If the other players find reasons to disagree, the student keeps the 
picture card. 

The game continues until all the players have no picture cards left. The student who gets rid 

of all their picture cards first is the winner.